Saturday, April 26, 2008

Gameboy4iPhone Beta With Screenshots!

The beta for Gameboy4iPhone was released today.
To get the beta you need to donate to zodTTD at
I personally have the beta and let me tell you, it's amazing. It is running at full 100% speed and it lives up to those standards. In my opinion, it is running better than any other emulator out there. Here are a few screenshots I took.


Taken from

The Best Tetris

- Tetris for the iPod touch and iPhone -

created by Noah "mahalis" Witherspoon (blog)
The controls are incredibly intuitive. Drag the piece in any direction around with your finger and tap to rotate. This game looks amazing. Everything about the interface makes this game look incredible from the menu screen to gameplay itself, and pieces drop smoothly.
You can find the game in Installer if you have Community Sources or you can manually install it by downloading it here.

Firmware 2.0

Rumours have now been confirmed of this so called firmware 2.0.

You're impatiently waiting for the shiny Firmware 2.0, and just bought a $50 iTunes card to spend on a set of shiny new features, and now you have some questions. Here are answers!

  • Is Firmware 2.0 out yet?
    It is out to a certain set of corporations and developers, but not to the general public. It has been leaked on various torrent sites, but don't ask for it. Keep in mind that downloading it from a torrent site is indeed illegal. Thus, don't ask for it on this forum because we do not support or attempt to encourage WAREZ. For details see the forum rules here, and Teslanaut's Rant here.
  • When will it be released?
    It will be released in Late June for a "nominal fee" for iPod touch users.
  • What are the new features?
    App Store
    The App Store is basically a child of Installer and Mobile iTunes. It is a center for downloads for applications with Featured, Just Added, Staff Favorites, Most Popular, and Categories.
    • The Calculator gets completely written with a new icon with square buttons, scientific functions, and landscape support. See image below for details on that.
    • New Calculator icon

    Meeting Invites.
    Add Tags to Events.
    New Contact Search.
    • Push email
    • Push contacts
    • Push calendar
    • Global Address List
    • Cisco VPN Support
    • Certificates and Identities
    • WPA2/802.1x
    • Enforced security policies
    • More VPN protocols
    • Device configuration
    • Remote wipe

    Microsoft Exchange/ActiveSync protocol support is built in, so the iPhone can work directly with corporate exchange servers. This is built right into existing applications (Mail, Contacts, Calendar).

    • GPS-Like Location Tracking

    Parental Controls
    New Parental Controls function. Apps and functions can be disabled. It's pretty straightforward. Some of the functions that can be disabled are explicit language in the iPod app and Safari.

    • Full Screen Viewing
    • Cached/Offline Web Apps
    • Faster Javascript
    • Save Pictures

  • Take Screenshots
    Minor Updates
    • New iTunes icon
    • Mass Mail Deletion
    • Home Button Double Tap Change [Like iPhoneHome]
    • Usage in Settings
    To get the new 2.0 icons, click here.
  • Why are they charging money for the update?
    They are charging money for the update because of "accounting reasons." This means that since they're not getting money from touch owners from cell phone contracts, they'll be charging for updates. Still, it's a pretty significant update and is probably worth paying a nominal fee for.
  • Where can I get 2.0?
    DO NOT ASK FOR IT ON THESE FORUMS! It will not help you, and the thread will be closed. Find it on some torrent site, become a pay for apple developer, or simply wait until June. Nobody will give you a link. Do keep in mind that downloading it now from a torrent website is ILLEGAL.
  • What is the jailbreak status of 2.0?
You can currently jailbreak 2.0 with Pwnage, a tool from the Dev Team. For details on this, see Danls92's FAQ on Pwnage here.



  • What happens when I update my iPod to a newer firmware version, do I get to keep the updates and features, or do I have to pay again?
    Due to the magic of digital rights management, or DRM, iTunes is smart enough to know that you have already purchased the update and won't make you pay again.
  • Well, what if I have to restore my iPod and completely start from scratch?
    Again, we can thank our friend DRM for telling iTunes that you already purchased the update, and that it should go ahead and install the features upon restore. Luckily, DRM keeps all of its information stored on your computer, as well as your iPod. Thanks, DRM
  • Can I sync my friend/brother/azalea's iPod up to my computer and sync the update to their iPod?
    Unfortunately, no. The DRM is also smart enough to know that unauthorized devices should not be messing with your stuff and will not allow the update to be installed on anybody else's iPod but yours. Why should those freeloaders profit off of your money?
  • What if I authorize their iPod to use/play/watch things purchased with my account?
    It looks like it the Applications are synced by account and not serial number. So yes, you can.


Taken from

Firmware 1.1.3 Jailbreak

Welcome back! It's been a long time since I lasted posted so here's a long one to apologize. The official Dev team 1.1.3 Jailbreak!

Are we ready to wiggle?

Not really…. first, I’m going to restore my iPod touch to factory original condition first. That means it’ll have firmware 1.1.1, not jailbroken, and empty inside (no music, apps, whatever.) That was how the Apple delivery man hand it to me (minus some scratches.) Beside, let’s make sure no traces of previous jailbreaking hacks are left behind that may interfere with this jailbreaking. OK?


  1. First, let’s get a copy of the version 1.1.1 firmware file using the Yes, no funky Safari or even Firefox. The faithful provides the best error-free download. To download, launch Terminal, and then copy & paste the following long-line of text into your Terminal (it looks like this.) Hit Enter to start.

    curl,1_1.1.1_3A110a_Restore.ipsw -o iPod1,1_1.1.1_3A110a_Restore.ipsw -#
    If the process abort for whatever reason, make sure you delete the incomplete file from your Home folder first before you try again.

  2. You can Quit the Terminal once the percentage progress indicator shows 100%. The firmware file is now in your Home folder.
  3. OK, we need the version 1.1.2 firmware file as well, so let’s repeat the process with the following long-line of text:

    curl,1_1.1.2_3B48b_Restore.ipsw -o iPod1,1_1.1.2_3B48b_Restore.ipsw -#


We’ll need both the version 1.1.1 and 1.1.2 firmware files. So let’s download them using Internet Explorer (or your favorite browser):

Firmware version 1.1.1 - Download (Exactly 157,906,686 bytes)
Firmware version 1.1.2 - Download (Exactly 165,567,897 bytes)

The resulting files should be named “iPod1,1_1.1.1_3A110a_Restore.ipsw” and “iPod1,1_1.1.2_3B48b_Restore.ipsw” respectively. Do not decompress or manipulate them in any way, such as allowing your anti-virus/ anti-spyware/ anti-mac program to clean/billgatize the downloads. Double-check the file size before you proceed any further.


iTunes 7.5 for Mac OS X users is recommended, while Windows users can use either iTunes 7.5 or 7.6.

Mac OS X users: If you’ve upgraded your Mac OS X’s iTunes to version 7.6, you’ll need to download and use the iNdependance app later on, or downgrade your iTunes to version 7.5. *[Feb 28 Insert] You’ll need iNdependence 1.4 Beta 5 if your iTunes is version 7.6.1.

(Feb 13 Insert) Please temporarily disable your anti-virus/anti-spyware and any other programs that may interfere with the jailbreaking process. Do you have 3rd party programs that accesses iTunes in one way or another, such as AudioScrobber, lyrics fetcher, album cover downloader, sound enhancer, driver for your special sound card, etc? Disable all of them! Also, pull out to disconnect all usb devices except for the mouse and keyboard. Maybe reboot your PC to get it into a clean state first too.

  1. Connect your iPod touch to your computer. Make sure it shows up in iTunes.
  2. Put the iPod touch in DFU (Device Firmware Upgrade) Mode as follows:
    • Press and hold-down both the Power and Home buttons.
    • Release the Power button when you see the iPod disconnects and disappears from iTunes. This takes place in about 10 seconds. The iPod’s screen is blank.
    • Release the Home button when you see this (or this) pop-menu message, and click on “Check” (or “OK”). The ipod touch’s screen is still blank. Next, this popped up. Click on “OK” to continue. You should see your iPod touch in your iTunes round about now.
    • Press and Hold the Option Key (the SHIFT key for Windows) and click on the “Restore” button. Then select the firmware 1.1.1 file you just download in PART A, and let the restoration begin!
  3. Unlock the iPod and go to Settings and setup your Wifi, making sure HTTP Proxy is Off.
  4. Now go to Settings -> General -> Auto-Lock and set it to “Never”.
  5. In iTunes, be sure to set it up as a new iPod, un-tick the option to “Automatically sync songs to my iPod”, and “Open iTunes when this iPod is connected”. Click “Apply” and “Sync” to finalize the options you just set.

    Feb 12 Insert: Failure to carry out above seemingly trivia instructions and you will experience a Keyboard Freezing issue that renders your jailbroken iPod touch pretty much useless.

  6. Launch your iPod touch’s Safari, and surf to
  7. Scroll to the bottom of the page, and you’ll tap on the “Install AppSnapp” link. Your Safari will load the link, and suddenly freak out and your iPod touch returns to the Springboard. Done right, you will see a spinning wheel download progress indicator (it looks like this) while your iPod touch downloads and installs AppSnapp in the background. If you don’t see the indicator (within no more than 2 seconds after tapping the said link), re-apply this step until you do! Yes, keep on trying…, and trying…, and trying…. Depending on connection quality, sometimes it took me well over 4-5 tries before the indicator appeared! Some users report trying over days. That’s right, days! But of course, if conditions are right, you’ll get it on the first attempt. My best advise is to have a good internet connection, and perhaps try again at odd hours. Properly done, you’ll see in your Springboard a new icon named “Installer”. Your iPod touch has been jailbroken to version 1.1.1!


  1. The Installer App is now in the Springboard. Tap on it, and go to the “Sources” category to install the “Community Sources” package. After that, go to the “Tweaks (1.1.1)” category and installed “OktoPrep”. Quit Installer after installing it.

    Valentines’ Day Insert: If you can’t find OktoPrep in above, then add the following new source to your Installer:
    You’ll find it in the “Hack that Phone tools” category after adding the new source.

  2. Go back to iTunes, then press and hold the Option key (SHIFT key for Windows) and click on the “Update” button (and not the Restore button you click on a short while ago!), then select the 2nd firmware file, iPod1,1_1.1.2_3B48b_Restore.ipsw, that you downloaded earlier in PART A.
  3. Restoration begins and not surprsingly went through without a hitch too.
  4. Your iPod touch will reboot and reconnects to iTunes. Do dismiss iTunes’ prompt to Update to version 1.1.3!
  5. Next, go download the from Conceited Software to the Desktop and unzip it. At this point, it’s critical to QUIT iTunes while keeping the iPod touch connected to the computer. I repeat, Quit iTunes but keep iPod touch connected.
  6. Look inside the 1.1.2-jailbreak folder, and double click on “jailbreak.jar” for Mac OS X (or “Windows.bat” if you’re on Windows).

    Feb 24 Insert: Attention PC Users: You need Java to run Windows.bat. If your Windows doesn’t already have Java, you can go here and choose to download and install “Windows XP/Vista/2000/2003 Online * filesize: ~ 7.1 MB”.

  7. Do not tick “Install SSH”, and leave the password as “alpine”.
  8. Jailbreaking will take place right after you click on “Jailbreak”.
  9. When it’s done, your iPod touch will reboot twice, or more. Do NOT touch it during this period. You’ll unlock it if about 2-3 minutes has passed and the iPod touch has fallen asleep.

    Attention Mac OS X iTunes 7.6 Users: Your iPod touch after rebooting will be stuck at the Recovery Mode screen. Your iTunes 7.6 will want you to restore it. Don’t!

    Mount the iNdependence .dmg you downloaded earlier. Double-click to run the and just sit back and watch your iPod touch. iNdependence will kick your iPod touch out of Recovery Mode and brings it to the Unlock Screen. Yippy! You can quit and trash iNdependence after that.

  10. Go to Settings -> General, and you’ll see it’s firmware 1.1.2… and the Installer app is in the Home screen.


As of today there are a number of methods to jailbreak to 1.1.3. In my opinion, the correct method is the Official Dev Team method.

Best of all, Conceited Software (maker of AppSnapp, OktoPrep and Jailbreak.jar you used earlier) has provided an installer package to easily upgrade your 1.1.2 jailbroken iPod touch to version 1.1.3. It’s a long process, but there’s a nice GUI (Graphical User Interface) that tells you what’s going on.

Let’s do it.

  1. If your ISP requires proxy, go to Wi-Fi settings page to update it.
  2. Launch Installer, go to the “Sources” tab, and tap on “Refresh” button. After that you’ll see that a new Installer version 3.0 is available. Update it and exit Installer. Feb 23 Update: Ignore that; current version 3.0 is already installed.
  3. Tap on Installer again, and in the “System” category, select and install the “BSD Subsystem” package. (If you don’t see this package, then go to the “Sources” category, and install the “Community Sources” package. After refreshing your sources, the “BSD Subsystem” package will show up.)
  4. After installing BSD Subsystem, it’s mission critical that you power-down and re-start your iPod touch.
  5. Do it now (by pressing and holding the power button until the red-slider appear….)

    Advanced Users Only: You’ll want to install the OpenSSH package at this point too if you plan to perform a time-saving trick outlined in the next black box below.

  6. Are you sure you have rebooted your iPod touch? OK, launch Installer and go to the “System” category and install the “Official 1.1.3 Upgrader” package. As of writing, it’s version 1.1.3-3. The “Contact” info is Conceited Software. It’s only 453.4 KB in size!

    Feb 15 Insert: CAN’T FIND OFFICIAL 1.1.3 UPGRADER? Some of you can’t find the package in the System category yesterday. Please try again. A new Community Source package is out and you should always update your apps and sources. After that the Upgrader should re-appear.

    Feb 17 Insert: Here’s a new source for the Upgrader. After adding the source, you can find it under the “iSpazio Unlock Tools” category:

  7. After installing the Upgrader pakage, you will find a new icon named “Upgrade” in your Springboard.

    Tip for Advanced Users (Provided by CyberGreg of

    At this point, you can SSH into your iPod touch and upload a copy of iPod1,1_1.13_4A93_Restore.ipsw to /private/var/root/Media. Doing so, the will be able to complete its task quicker, in “… about 10 minutes …”, as it doesn’t have to download the 1.1.3 firmware file from Apple.

    Footnote: CyberGreg claims 10 minutes total time spent. I suspect that includes opting out the restore option in Upgrade by tapping “No“. I spent in all 21 minutes without the mentioned Restore process. Maybe my Wi-Fi and/or 3Mbps broadband plan suxs.

  8. (Feb 11 Insert) Disconnect your iPod touch from your computer. Do it. Done? Sure?
  9. Tap on Upgrade to start upgrading. When you see this pop-up prompt, make sure you tap on YES.

When the upgrade process is done, your iPod touch is jailbroken to 1.1.3!

But it’s a long, boring but thankfully, fully automated process. Go do something else while that’s going on. Just make sure the process isn’t interrupted by anything… such as a poor Wifi connection, low battery… whatever.

And if after the long wait you find your iPod touch reboots but enters and seemingly stuck in Recovery Mode, don’t panic. That happened to mine too. Just wait it out. It will self-reboot again, and you’ll see the familiar Unlock Screen afterwards.

Attention PC users:

If your iPod touch is seemingly stuck in Recovery Mode, go download iBrickr and run it. It’s reported that iBrickr can get your stuck iPod touch out of its misery and let it boot normally into the Springboard. You can trash iBrickr after that.

A user feedback that rebooting his pc and running iTunes again kicked his iPod touch out of Recovery Mode. Try it.

[Feb 24 Insert] Attention Mac Users: If your iPod touch is stuck in the Recovery Mode after completion of the Upgrade process, you can try using iNdependance to kick it out.


Guess what, it’s been a while but we’re finally ready to wiggle!

  1. Launch Installer and add the following new source:

    Be careful typing the url; iPod touch’s auto-capitalization feature insists on changing “.xml” to “.XML” unless you dismiss it.

  2. Refresh your Installer after that.
  3. Go to the “iPhone 1.1.3 Applications” category, and install “The iPhone 1.1.3 Apps” package.
  4. After installation and unlocking your iPod touch, you’ll be greeted by this pop-up window indicating your iPod touch’s icon can wiggle.
  5. You really own a jailbroken 1.1.3 iPod touch.

Thank you for reading this guide. Have fun with your iPod touch!


Taken from

Friday, January 25, 2008

Ipod Touch - Scratch Test

Look at this... Brilliant!

Ipod Touch - Guided Tour

The official guided tour:



New Apple iPod Touch










Touch Comes to iPod.

Music, video, photos, and websites in 8GB and 16GB models

New Apple iPod TouchMulti-touch

iPod touch features the same revolutionary interface as iPhone. Built to take full advantage of the large 3.5-inch display, the multi-touch interface lets you control everything using only your fingers. So you can glide through albums with Cover Flow, flick through photos and enlarge them with a pinch, or zoom in and out on a section of a web page. And iPod touch features a touchscreen QWERTY keyboard perfect for browsing the web in Safari, searching for videos on YouTube, finding music on the iTunes Wi-Fi Music Store, entering calendar events, or adding new contacts.

New Apple iPod TouchAmbient Light Sensor

The iPod touch display has an ambient light sensor that automatically adjusts brightness to suit the ambient light in your surroundings. The result? A better experience for you and battery-saving efficiency for iPod touch.

New Apple iPod TouchAccelerometer

An accelerometer detects when you rotate iPod touch from portrait to landscape, then automatically changes the contents of the display, so you immediately see the entire width of a web page, your music in Cover Flow, or a photo in its proper aspect ratio.

New Apple iPod Touch

Touchscreen iPod

New Apple iPod TouchMusic

If a picture says a thousand words, think of what all the album art in your collection might say. With Cover Flow on iPod touch, you can flick through your music to find the album you want to hear. And when you do, a quick tap of the cover flips it over to display a track list. Another tap starts the music.New Apple iPod Touch

New Apple iPod TouchVideo

The 3.5-inch display gives you video like nothing you’ve seen before on a portable device. Watch your favorite movie. Catch up on television shows, anywhere. Enjoy video podcasts. Play music videos. All using multi-toNew Apple iPod Touchuch technology that lets


you bring up onscreen controls and go widescreen (or back to full screen) with a tap.

New Apple iPod TouchPhotos

iPod touch holds up to 20,000 photos you sync via iTunes. Flick to scroll through thumbnails. Tap to view full screen. Rotate for landscape format. Or perform some sleight of hand by opening two fingers to zoom in. You can even play slideshows, complete with music and transitions. Set any photo as your wallpaper to personalize your iPod touch...with a touch.

Wi-Fi Web Browser

New Apple iPod TouchSafariNew Apple iPod Touch

With Apple’s Safari browser built in, iPod touch is the only iPod that gives you wireless access to the web, everywhere you go. See websites the way they were designed to be seen. Sync your bookmarks or add a few as you go. Search the web using the touchscreen keyboard. Zoom in and out by tapping the multi-touch display.

New Apple iPod TouchYouTube

Got a bit of a YouTube addiction? iPod touch feeds it from anywhere with a special YouTube player built right in. Watch featured videos, check out the most viewed, search for something specific, then bookmark your favorites for future reference. It’s all the fun of YouTube — pocket-size.

New Apple iPod TouchiTunes Wi-Fi Music Store

With iPod touch, you can discover new music anywhere. Built-in wireless capability gives you access to the iTunes Wi-Fi Music Store, where you can buy songs with a tap. Browse New Releases, What’s Hot, and Just Added lists. Or find exactly what you’re looking for with a quick search. Tap a song to preview it or tap Buy to purchase it. From anywhere.